Monday, December 13, 2010

2 goals for this year

1. My first goal for the remainder of this year is to develop better study habits. By this i mean getting all my homework done at a reasonable time and using my time wisely.

2. I would also like to take more advantage of having a teacher to help me whenever i do not understand so i can then excel in this subject of chemistry.

Friday, November 12, 2010

E-Portfolio Reflection

1.            Why is this exhibit a good choice for placement in your e-portfolio?
I thought that my poster was an awesome choice for placement in my e-portfolio.  My poster was an awesome choice for my e-portfolio because I worked hard to create my superheo along with research about my element, copper. 

2.      What did you find most interesting about this exhibit activity and why?
I felt that creating my element superhero was very interesting because I learned a lot about my my element copper.  Also it was fun making up a story about my element superhero.   
3.      In what way(s) did you find this exhibit a challenge to complete?
It was a tad challenging trying to find all the different facts about copper.  Also it was challenging making up a story and intertwining it with my element copper. 
4.      If you were to do this activity again what changes would you make and why?
I wouldnt have made my element superhero a cowboy because he reminded many people of a cowboy from the movie Broke Back Mountain.  Also i would try and do a better job of making coppers characteristics closer to my superhero's characteristics.

5.      What change(s) in attitude or behavior helped you to meet the challenge?
I decided to put time and effort into this project to make it look to its full potential.  I also tried my best to do this project to the best of my ability. 

6.      What grade would you give yourself for these reflections, from “1” to “4”, where “4” is the best? (Refer to the E-Portfolio Reflection Rubric.)Give specific evidence explaining why you gave yourself that grade.
-I think i should get a 4 for my reflections on the E-Portfolio Reflection Rubric.  I think i deserve a 4 because all my answers are very thoughtful and personal answers.  Also some of my specific statements are made about positive and concrete personal changes resulting from my superhero project. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

If you were an element what would it be like?

If i were an element my name would be Prestonium.  Prestonium would be a metal.  It would be a metal because I would get a long with all the other elements in the periodic table.  Also because I am a metal I am hard to break.  Also metals can be molded into wires and such meaning that one characteristic is being flexible.  Another characteristic of Prestonium is that it is a pure metal.  Lastly, my boiling and melting point would be very high because i like the outdoors and would much rather be hot than freezing cole. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What am I learning about myself as a student in chemistry?

I am learning many things about myself as a student in chemistry.  I an learning that to succeed in class i must take good notes and study hard.  I am also learning how to use the lab equipment and to be safe in the lab.  I have learned that i must follow the lab instructions or the lab won't finish the way it's supposed to.